6 Sites For Camping in Colorado This Summer

6 Sites For Camping in Colorado This Summer

Written By Kelly Branyik

Kelly is a lifetime traveler, writer, and author. She is a former Peace Corps China Volunteer (2014 - 2016). She's been published in numerous publications including Apartment Guide, Fluent in 3 Months, and Pink Pangea. She loves tea, breakfast burritos, and traveling with people she loves.
April 2, 2019

4 mins read


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We’re just a few months away from yet another summer, which hopefully we plan to fill up with outdoor fun.

I don’t know about you, but all I can think about is camping in Colorado this summer and all the places I plan to go. Upon doing my research, I found a lot of places that I felt necessary to add to my Colorado bucket list.

Some I’ve definitely already gone to in the past few years, but others I have yet to visit and enjoy. I intend to make this year even more full of adventure than the years before, and I am going to live up to that.

Camping As A Kid

When I was a kid, camping was a big thing for me. My family and I made regular camping trips during the summer to band camp in North Dakota (totally serious).

I had some incredible ighlights of my camping trips as a child. We would set up a legit campsite for a week, have epic breakfasts made by my mother, and see the occasional moose wander through camp. Camping in North Dakota made me love camping altogether.

My parents had the best camping set up ever. All the camping gear filled up the back of the 1987 Chevy Astro. It was definitely not a backpacking trip by any means.

There was a giant screen tent, an eight-person Alaskan tent, and a full kitchen. There was a toolbox full of hammers, axes, matches, rope, laundry lines, and even salt that made your campfire turn into different colors.

This style of camping I intend to do this year requires that I pack a whole lot less than the camping trips I knew as a child. I plan on bringing the bare minimum. A small tent, sleeping bag, my BioLite Camp Stove, a Lifestraw, and maybe a few smaller items.

Here are some places I’m stoked to visit when camping in Colorado this year.

1. Skaguay Reservoir

Camping in Colorado and where you should go

Located just outside of Victor, Colorado, there is a nice dirt road drive out to a small reservoir. I hear the camping is great and the fishing is even better. It is a perfect place to get away from everything, go kayaking, and enjoy some camping and fishing.

Skaguay is surrounded by stunning scenery and gives you a perfect shot of the majestic Pikes Peak in the background. It is a serene place to enjoy your summer.

2. Clear Lake

Clear Lake Camping in Colorado

I have been obsessed with visiting this place for a few years now, simply because it looks like heaven. The beauty of this place is you can hike up to the lake or you can drive up there, as long as you have a 4×4 vehicle. Clear Lake is nestled in the San Juan Mountains and just outside of Silverton.

You’ll have access to some beautiful shots of a pristine lake and amazing fishing. Camping beneath a completely dark night sky watching the stars above is practically heaven.

3. Sand Dunes National Park

Sand Dunes camping in Colorado

I think the Sand Dunes National Park usually holds a very special place in many people’s hearts. It becomes one of those annual trips you take every summer. If you go at the right time, there will be run off that spills in the sands of the dunes creating Medano Creek.

It’s shallow enough for children and dogs to play around in and with the dunes being hot, it’s the perfect place to cool off. People love camping in or near the Sand Dunes during the summer before it gets too hot or after the summer cools off.

4. Mesa Verde

Mesa Verde - Colorado Travel Blog

So you can’t actually camp in the cliff dwellings, although you will be able to camp on the mesa like the Pueblos did. There is a wonderful campground near the Mesa Verde cliff dwellings.  It is well worth staying in if you plan to visit this stunningly preserved homes that once used to be occupied. The campground is called Morefield. It is probably the best-kept campground I’ve ever camped at.

5. Silver Queen Campground Near Maroon Bells

Maroon Bells camping in Colorado

This is definitely a bucket list item for me since I have never been to Maroon Bells (I know. Shame on me.). The sheer beauty of White River National Forest is non-comparable to most other places in Colorado. Thousands of people visit this area every year to go hiking, fishing, wildlife viewing, and horseback riding.

6. Twin Lakes

camping in colorado - Twin Lakes

There is an amazing boat tour that takes you across the Twin Lakes where you can spend a few days before going back home. The Interlaken Boat Tours is something I have never tried, but am fully planning on experiencing. For insane camping in this scenic area and excellent fishing opportunities, this will make a perfect summer camping trip.

If you’re a big fan of camping in Colorado, I want to hear about your experience. Tell me some of your favorite places to go camping in Colorado and what you love most about them.

If you like this, check out the blog posts on glamping in Colorado and some places worthy of visiting this summer.

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Heyo, I'm Kelly!

I'm a Returned Peace Corps China Volunteer, author, blogger, Content Director trying to become fluent in Mandarin Chinese. I'm living and traveling in Colorado during some of the best years of my life. Thank you for joining me on my adventures!

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