The House of Eternal Return at the Santa Fe Meow Wolf

The House of Eternal Return at the Santa Fe Meow Wolf

Written By Kelly Branyik

Kelly is a lifetime traveler, writer, and author. She is a former Peace Corps China Volunteer (2014 - 2016). She's been published in numerous publications including Apartment Guide, Fluent in 3 Months, and Pink Pangea. She loves tea, breakfast burritos, and traveling with people she loves.
April 30, 2019

4 mins read


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As you know, the Denver Meow Wolf is set to open in 202o. Obviously, I’m freaking out and can’t wait to go see it. I’ve also been incredibly obsessed with the Santa Fe Meow Wolf, although I hadn’t been until just recently.

The Denver Meow Wolf

I wanted a chance to see the Santa Fe Meow Wolf and experience it before getting to experience the one in Denver. From what I know about the one in Denver, it will be in the same location as Mile High and the Pepsi Center near Colfax and I-25. You will most certainly have the easiest time taking this detour on your way through Denver.

The Denver Meow Wolf will be different than the Santa Fe structure as well as significantly larger, 3 times larger to be exact. This Meow Wolf will also have the interior created by local artists, rather than the same artists who created the Santa Fe Meow Wolf. You can read about what makes the Denver Meow Wolf unique here.

The Santa Fe Meow Wolf

The House of Eternal Return at the Santa Fe Meow Wolf

The theme for the Santa Few Meow Wolf is the House of the Eternal Return. When you walk into the area to explore, you will see the dark facade of what appears to be a regular old home. The steps up to the second floor are real, the pictures on the walls, the couches, the furniture. Honestly, I felt like I was at a house party and no one bothered to clean.

The staff encourages you to touch everything, find secret doors and pathways, and interact as much as possible with the environment.

This is every kid’s dream. To. Touch. Every. Darn. Thing.

The House of Eternal Return at the Santa Fe Meow Wolf is unique to the area, meaning the super psychedelic experience you’re having has been completely designed and developed by artists local to the area. (Can you imagine what the Denver one would look like? I’m sweating just thinking about it.)

Taking Pictures and Videos

I found that a phone camera works pretty well with capturing this. I am by no means a pro photographer just yet and didn’t want to spend the time trying to figure out how to capture something that has fairly dim lighting in most areas.

If you plan on sharing this journey with people, usually pictures will do the trick, but oh boy will videos do the trick too. Check out my video below, entirely shot on an iPhone 8s Plus.

GoPros would also work super well for this, and the funny thing is, I brought mine and didn’t even use it. 🙁

Download the “Anomaly Tracker” App

The House of Eternal Return at the Santa Fe Meow Wolf

There is a whole app dedicated to House of Eternal Return. It’s called the Anomaly Tracker. You likely only need to download this app one per party, unless you want to download it just for yourself.

It allows you to search the home in more engaging ways to discover clues about how this house ended up in such a trippy state of being.

The app is $4.99 and could keep you in the Meow Wolf for several hours. Lucky for you, you’re day pass allows you to come and go. You might be there so long that you may need to get lunch or dinner.

In the app, there are videos and clues granted to you each time you identify an anomaly. After you get the clues, you have the opportunity to read through diary entries or watch videos that tell you just what happened in the House of Eternal Return. You can still access the clues and review them once you get home to learn the story if you don’t want anyone to bump into you at the Meow Wolf.

Meow Wolf Pricing and Hours

The House of Eternal Return at the Santa Fe Meow Wolf

The Santa Fe Meow Wolf is so inexpensive, you truly have no reason to not go. A day pass for NM residents in just $24 and all other visitors only pay $29.

Children ages 13 and under are $21 for out of state visitors and $17 for NM residents. They even have discounts for military and seniors as well. $22 for NM residents and $25 for out-of-staters.

You can buy the tickets online to help save you time waiting in line, but chances are you will be waiting in line anyways because the volume of people who attend is insane.

Get your tickets here.

The Meow Wolf opens up at 10 am each day, but is usually closed on Thursdays. If you are going on a weekend, especially on holidays, try to arrive 15-30 minutes earlier so you can cut down your wait time in line.

The Gift Shop & Cafe

Please stop by here before you go and get something. There are so many weird things you just have to take home with you.

And I mean really weird.

You’ll also find right next to the gift shop, there is a sweet little cafe, that by the time lunch rolls around is usually packed. If there is no place to sit, there are a few food trucks just outside the Meow Wolf doors so you can get a quick snack before returning to the adventure.

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Heyo, I'm Kelly!

I'm a Returned Peace Corps China Volunteer, author, blogger, Content Director trying to become fluent in Mandarin Chinese. I'm living and traveling in Colorado during some of the best years of my life. Thank you for joining me on my adventures!

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