I Tried Mask Brackets So You Didn’t Have To

Mask Brackets - Travel Branyik

Written By Kelly Branyik

Kelly is a lifetime traveler, writer, and author. She is a former Peace Corps China Volunteer (2014 - 2016). She's been published in numerous publications including Apartment Guide, Fluent in 3 Months, and Pink Pangea. She loves tea, breakfast burritos, and traveling with people she loves.
December 22, 2020

3 mins read


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Mask brackets are more helpful than you think.

I heard about mask brackets from an infomercial, because of course, and hadn’t really considered using them since I am already so acclimated to mask-wearing.

But as I get back into an exercise routine, I found that trying to work out, and breathe with a mask on, is just plain difficult. One of the things I hate is having my mask get sucked into my face when I’m breathing hard. I feel like I’m suffocating. So much so, I’m tempted to let the mask drop beneath my nose, but I don’t.

I know there are many who feel like this, hence why so many despise wearing one in the first place.

I swear to you, this is the solution. You will no longer have to drop that mask beneath your nose, and you shouldn’t anyway.

What is a Mask Bracket?

What is a Mask Bracket? - Travel Branyik

A mask bracket is a silicone cup that sits inside your mask sort of like a jockey cup. it also sort of resembles the look of Hannibal Lecter, but people aren’t really going to see that, so you won’t be scaring anyone.

The bracket fits over your nose and reaches down to the lowest part of your chin. When worn properly, the bracket creates a large space for breath in your mask, alleviating you from that feeling of suffocating.

How Do You Wear Mask Brackets?

A mask bracket is secured to your face by the mask once you put it on. Being that the bracket is made of silicone, it’s not invasive or hurtful to you when you’re wearing it.

It will feel a little odd at first when putting it on. The bracket is not intended to fit over your nose and reach underneath your chin. The odd feeling of where it sits will eventually go away when you are wearing a mask.

You can either where the bracket loosely in your mask, or figure out a way to attach the mask with a snap button. If you fasten the bracket to your mask permanently, you may have trouble washing the mask and the bracket when you need to. It’s best to have the ability to attach and detach the bracket when necessary.

Do They Work With All Masks?

How to Wear a Mask Brackets - Travel Branyik

The mask brackets work well with all masks, but I have discovered that there are certain kinds of masks that work best.

Some masks that work best:

For those that are regularly engaging in high movement, a tight cloth mask is your best option. If you are just sitting at a desk all day and just would like a little more room to breathe, any of the masks below will do.

I’ve found that masks that fit more loosely, will likely not work with the mask brackets. Masks are one of the main things holding them to your face unless you fasten them to the actual mask.

How Much are Mask Brackets?

How Much are Mask Brackets? - Travel Branyik

You can find them in bulk on Amazon, for anywhere between $7 and $15 for half a dozen to a dozen.

They are incredibly inexpensive.

Since we don’t know how much longer we’ll be wearing these masks, they are a simple and affordable investment. This goes especially for those who wear masks throughout the day.

Some of the Downsides of the Brackets

There are some downsides that may bother some people. I have read through the reviews and tried out the brackets just to compare. Despite the many negative reviews, I found these to be really helpful, so try and keep an open mind. There are only two cons that I can see being major issues for people.

Those two cons of wearing these brackets are:

  • They get your face sweaty when in contact with your skin.
  • They feel small, almost like they don’t fit on your face well, which can be distracting.

For me, the pros of wearing these brackets far outweigh the cons of wearing them. I’ve found it easier to breathe and a worthy investment to implement in my life.

Which Mask Brackets Should I choose?

Literally, there are dozens of options to choose from. It’s ultimately up to you when you’re shopping around. I will give you Amazon’s bestseller. Below, but you are welcome to visit the other searches provided in the post so you have a chance to choose for yourself. Be mindful of some of the items being sold on Amazon. Some sellers do not offer returns if for some reason you don’t enjoy this product.

Be sure to check their refund policy!

Watch the Video!

I thought it would be helpful to show you how you can wear a mask bracket, although it is definitely intuitive.

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Heyo, I'm Kelly!

I'm a Returned Peace Corps China Volunteer, author, blogger, Content Director trying to become fluent in Mandarin Chinese. I'm living and traveling in Colorado during some of the best years of my life. Thank you for joining me on my adventures!

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