6 Free Colorado Apps You Must Have When Traveling in Colorado

Colorado Apps to Use

Written By Kelly Branyik

Kelly is a lifetime traveler, writer, and author. She is a former Peace Corps China Volunteer (2014 - 2016). She's been published in numerous publications including Apartment Guide, Fluent in 3 Months, and Pink Pangea. She loves tea, breakfast burritos, and traveling with people she loves.
July 23, 2019

3 mins read


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When I lived in China as a Peace Corps Volunteer, I had handfuls of apps that made traveling around the country easier for me. I remember how much that helped me have the confidence in traveling. I had booking apps, translation apps, information apps, and even subway apps that helped me navigate.

When I first arrived in China, I had no apps let alone did I know which apps would be good ones. It made me feel vulnerable and quite honestly, scared. At one point, I had myself wondering what the hell I was doing in this strange land.

Living in a foreign country and having so many resources on my cell phone today made traveling a breeze. Even today, I can’t imagine how people traveled around in the 60s in Peace Corps China without getting lost.

I know Colorado is no foreign country, but that doesn’t mean preparing for your trip isn’t in order.

When traveling to Colorado, and if you’re a planner like me, you want to prepare for your journey as much as possible. There are a few apps out there that will help you plan your trip more easily and discover other locations worthy of visiting. Here are some of my favorite Colorado apps. All of them are Apple and Android compatible.

1. Colorado Guide

Colorado Guide App

Colorado.com is the biggest online resource for Colorado travel in the state. They are full of complete guides that help with planning your trips to destinations in every state corner.

Colorado Guide allows you to view the digital issues of each Official Visitor’s Guide from the comfort of your own phone. Browse through each page as if it were a true magazine and find new places you’ve never explored before.

2. Colorado Trail Explorer

COTrex Colorado Trail App

The COTrex app is perfect for those looking to get their hiking boots dirty on a Colorado trail. It’s very much like the All Trails app, but focuses only on trails in Colorado.

In this app, you can record each trip you take. Whether it is hiking, biking, horseback riding, ATV, OHV, and motorcycle riding. From there you can keep notes and then let people know about your adventures on the trail.

3. 14ers

14ers App in Colorado

For the adventurers not faint of heart, the 14ers app is your guide to climbing Colorado’s best mountains. The app gives you a list of the peaks you can climb, their elevation, their location, the best routes, and weather conditions reports.

Make getting to the top of the mountain much easier with the help of this app.

4. Royal Gorge Info

Royal Gorge Info Colorado App

I love the Royal Gorge Info app because it’s helpful when it comes to booking adventures in the Royal Gorge Region. Find affordable travel packages for attractions in the Royal Gorge Region.

Take a train ride on the Royal Gorge Railroad Route, go off-roading with Colorado Jeep Tours, go on a wine tasting tour, and so much more!

5. Colorado Parks and Wildlife Fishing

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Fishing App

For anglers who love fishing in Colorado lakes and rivers, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Fishing app is the one for you. Discover new locations to fish, take notes of your catches, keep track of your weather conditions.

Each location you choose to fish you will be provided with helpful knowledge to make your trip worthwhile. You’ll learn things like the elevation, the fishing level, the popularity of that fishing spot and the type of fish you can expect to find.

6. WildCO

WildCO Colorado App for Nature Watching

The WildCO app is made exclusively for the nature watchers out there. Here you can upload some of your favorite nature photos and learn about wildlife in your area.

There are some truly gorgeous photos on here of animals native to the Colorado region.

Learn everything you need to know about birds, elk and deer, large rodents, and more!

Watch the Video!

Watch this video of the Colorado app, WildCO to see how it works!

For the best Colorado apps out there to help you have the magical Colorado trip you deserve, choose these apps!

Have you ever use these apps? What was your experience?

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Heyo, I'm Kelly!

I'm a Returned Peace Corps China Volunteer, author, blogger, Content Director trying to become fluent in Mandarin Chinese. I'm living and traveling in Colorado during some of the best years of my life. Thank you for joining me on my adventures!

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