How to Plan an Antelope Canyon Kayak Tour in Page, Arizona

How to Plan an Antelope Canyon Kayak Tour in Page, Arizona

Written By Kelly Branyik

Kelly is a lifetime traveler, writer, and author. She is a former Peace Corps China Volunteer (2014 - 2016). She's been published in numerous publications including Apartment Guide, Fluent in 3 Months, and Pink Pangea. She loves tea, breakfast burritos, and traveling with people she loves.
April 2, 2024

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I’ve recently been reflecting on my past travels and thought about my solo Antelope Canyon kayak tour in Page, Arizona. I realized I didn’t create a how-to guide for the wanna-be kayakers out there.

So, here it is my friends. If you don’t know about the kayak trip to Antelope Canyon, well.. you will now.

Camping at Lone Rock Beach near Antelope Canyon

Many know Antelope Canyon for its incredible tours on foot through valleys of deep orange rock that look like waves. You step into a world where you feel like you’re on Mars, and if the sun hits the open crevices of the valley just right, you’ll find the perfect photo opportunity that so many capture.

Everyone knows about Antelope Canyon and the Grand Canyon, not far from it. But there is another side to Antelope Canyon that many don’t know about. Taking an Antelope Canyon kayak tour is another incredible, and inexpensive, experience you can have in Page, Arizona.

Inventory is Limited! Reserve Ahead of Time!

Antelope Canyon Kayak with Lake Powell Paddleboards

You begin with a rental from Lake Powell Paddleboards, strapping up your kayak or paddleboard on the top of your car before dawn. Then you make the short drive from Page, Arizona to the boat ramp at Lake Powell.

After you struggle to unload your kayak and paddleboard (believe me, they’re heavy), you park your car in the nearby parking lot and then make your way down to put your kayak in.

Lake Powell Paddleboards is great at giving you directions to the canyon. They provide you with a map to get you there safely. They recommend you stay on the left side of Lake Powell until you reach the opening of the canyon.

As far as getting gear and getting prepped for the kayak trip, it’s pretty easy.

Be Happy, Because You Only Paid $35

Yes. You heard that right. A full day’s trip for an Antelope Canyon kayak tour is just $35 for a single person kayak. So incredibly cheap and efficient for a traveler who wants to get away but likes to save their money too.

The kayak trip starts in the early AM. As long as you return all your equipment before 5 pm, you are golden.

All Equipment is Included in the Price

For the kayak experience, you’re provided with the kayak, the seat, an oar, life jacket, and soft racks you can place on top of your car to transport the kayak. If you don’t have a roof rack, don’t worry, because they have you covered.

They help you strap up everything before you leave, so you know how to strap it up when you’re done with your kayaking adventure. Also, be sure you got some muscles because the kayaks are not light.

Start Your Kayak Trip Early

Antelope Canyon Kayak Tour Guide

I left for my Antelope Canyon kayak tour before 6 am. The benefit of leaving that early is you miss the incredible boat traffic that starts amping up around noon. The other benefit of going early is you miss the crowd and have the opportunity to get stunning shots of the canyon without people crowding your photo.

How to Get Into Your Kayak

Lake Powell Paddleboards supply you with a sit on top kayak. Experienced kayakers will sit inside a kayak, but if they flip their kayak over, it’s pretty likely that they know how to flip back over.

The benefit of sitting on top of the kayak is that if you flip it by chance, you just fall out and can flip it back over without potentially drowning.

Be Waterproof

You can purchase a waterproof bag for super cheap on Amazon and keep any wallet, extra clothes, a towel, and even lunch items in it. You’ll get water in your kayak, that’s guaranteed, and rather than get everything wet, keep it dry!

If you’re doing the kayak trip with cameras, make sure that your camera and phone are protected in waterproof cases, and have a floatation device attached. If you don’t have a flotation device, make sure your items are either safe in your car or attached to your kayak.

Plan for a Hike

Hike Antelope Canyon After Your Kayak Trip

As you continue your Antelope Canyon kayak trip and go deeper into the canyon, you’ll notice the rock walls will start to narrow. As it narrows, you’ll notice the water becomes muddy and you’ll soon reach a muddy bank. If you dock your boat, you can hike up to the top of the canyon for spectacular views.

Bring Lots of Snacks and Water

The kayak trip can take up to 4 hours, so bringing lunch and massive amounts of water are key. Page, Arizona is incredibly hot pretty much year round and you don’t want to suffer from dehydration. If you’re going solo, this is especially important. I loved bringing sandwiches on this trip because they are easy to make and quick to eat. Eating protein-rich foods to keep your energy up is also a super great idea.

Visit Early or Later in the Year to Beat the Heat

Camping at Lone Rock Beach

Page, Arizona is incredibly hot, and while you could go for labor day, chances are you will be miserable if you try to camp or spend great deals of time outside enjoying the sun and let’s face it, you don’t want to turn into a raisin. I recommend going in mid-October when the water is still warm, but the weather is not too cold.

This was one of my favorite trips in my adult life, especially as a solo female traveler. It’s budget-friendly and perfect for weekend getaways. To see my original post on staying in Page, Arizona, go here!

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Heyo, I'm Kelly!

I'm a Returned Peace Corps China Volunteer, author, blogger, Content Director trying to become fluent in Mandarin Chinese. I'm living and traveling in Colorado during some of the best years of my life. Thank you for joining me on my adventures!

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