5 Simple & Authentic Chinese Recipes You Can Cook at Home

5 simple chinese dishes

Written By Kelly Branyik

Kelly is a lifetime traveler, writer, and author. She is a former Peace Corps China Volunteer (2014 - 2016). She's been published in numerous publications including Apartment Guide, Fluent in 3 Months, and Pink Pangea. She loves tea, breakfast burritos, and traveling with people she loves.
December 14, 2020

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I love Chinese food.

If you’re thinking “Girl, same.” Then, you’ve come to the right place.

I’ll try and keep this story short, courtesy of my best friend, and everyone like her who hates the lengthy stories that detain you from getting to the recipes.

I’m not Chinese at all. 

But, I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Chongqing, China for two years. I have a Chinese family who gave me a Chinese name and refers to me as their daughter when we are in public places. 

Chinese Authentic Recipes

My Chinese mom and American mom meeting for the first time in 2018.

I can’t cook like my family in China. What I know about authentic Chinese recipes is just the tip of the iceberg. However, I was also fortunate to have a Baba keen on teaching me to cook. And learn I did.

When I first set foot in China, I didn’t realize just how different Chinese cuisine is compared to the American Chinese we know and love. 

Because of my time in China, I am now forever ruined for the American Chinese taste.

Now, I can tell by the colors of the sauces that too much hoisin sauce or brown sugar have been used. Some of the sauces in our American Chinese dishes aren’t supposed to be a deep caramel color, I’ll just tell you that right now.

For years after I returned home, I missed those authentic dishes.

I looked through many recipes online, attempting to find recipes that matched closely to the real thing, but most of them have that sugary American spin on it. 

After years, I found a solution to my cravings. I was able to find seasoning packets that easily recreate these dishes within a matter of minutes

Some of the seasonings are for dishes you’ve heard of, some of them you most likely never heard of.

All of these seasonings are created by Ah Hung, which you can find on Amazon and likely your nearest Asian market. This is the best brand I’ve found and they match the original flavors so closely.

Plus, every single one of them has English directions on the back.

Below are my five authentic Chinese recipes for your enjoyment. All of them are best served with rice and shared with someone you love.

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宫保鸡丁 (Kung Pao Chicken)

5 Simple & Authentic Chinese Recipes You Can Cook at Home

My Baba gave me the ingredients for this dish directly and then taught me how to make it. I can make this from scratch but you can also use the seasoning packet to make it easier.

  • 1 packet Ah Hung Kung Pao Chicken seasoning
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 – 3 boneless chicken thighs
  • 1 cup of raw peanuts (please don’t but the cooked salty ones
  • 3 – 4 dried red chiles
  • Green onion
  • Flour or cornstarch
  • Oil


Start by pouring a generous amount of oil into a small pot, you’ll use this to cook your raw peanuts. Stir them occasionally until they turn brown. Let them cool and remove the skins.

Sliced your chicken into small cubes, give your chicken a light coating in flour or cornstarch to keep it tender. Cook in a bit of oil.

Slice your cucumber and dig out all the seeds. Cut the cucumber into cubes the same size as your chicken. 

Remove the chicken from the pan. Keep all your oils! 

Add the seasoning packet and cucumbers to the pan and stir fry for a minute or two. Add the chicken, peanuts, and red chiles to the cucumbers and seasoning. Combine all ingredients. Serve on a plate and garnish with green onion.

麻婆豆腐 (Grandma’s Tofu)

5 Simple & Authentic Chinese Dishes You Can Cook at Home

This is absolutely one of my favorite authentic Chinese recipes and it takes literally minutes to make.


Cut your tofu into bite-sized cubes. Add oil to your pan and cook your ground pork. Add a packet of the seasoning and let it cook for one minute. Add about 1 ½ cups of water and your tofu cubes. Mix a Tbsp cornstarch with some water to create a liquid mixture. Pour this over your tofu to thicken the sauce. Let simmer for about 5 minutes.

Serve in a deep dish with a green onion garnish.

回锅肉 (Twice Cooked Pork)

5 Simple & Authentic Chinese Dishes You Can Cook at Home

Fatty, salty, and delicious.

  • 1 packet of Ah Hung Twice Cooked Pork seasoning
  • 1 pound pork belly (any other pork won’t be twice-cooked pork)
  • 1 green pepper or Jalapeno
  • 1 leek stalk
  • Fresh garlic gloves


Bring 8 cups of water to a boil and add chopped ginger. After the water starts to boil, add your pork belly. Let it cook for about 30 minutes until tender and cooked through all the way. Remove pork from the pot and let cool. 

Next, clean your green pepper and leek. Cut them into bite-sized chunks. Next, cut your pork into somewhat slim bite-sized slices.

Heat your pan and add some oil. Then add a packet of the seasoning. Fry for about one minute then add your vegetables and fry. Once your vegetables are tender, add your pork and fry for about 2 minutes. Serve on a plate.

鱼香茄子 (Eggplant in Fish Sauce)

5 Simple & Authentic Chinese Dishes You Can Cook at Home

For you vegetarians out there! This seasoning can also be used for a pork dish as well.

  • 1 packet of Ah Hung Fish Sauce Seasoning
  • 1 big eggplant
  • Minced garlic
  • Minced ginger
  • Cornstarch


Slice your eggplant into bite-sized wedges. 

Heat your pan and add oil. Add your minced ginger and garlic and cook. Next, add your eggplant wedges and cook them thoroughly so they are tender and cooked through. Once they are cooked through, add a packet of the Ah Hung Fish Sauce Seasoning.

Fry the mixture for about one minute. Serve up!

番茄鸡蛋 (Scrambled Egg and Tomato)

Easy Scramble Eggs and Tomatoes Stir-Fry

I know this sounds like a weird dish, but trust me, it’s really not. This sits at the top of my authentic Chinese recipes list. And it’s SO easy to make. This one must be served immediately.

  • 4 – 5 eggs
  • 2 – 3 juicy Roma tomatoes
  • 1 tsp of sugar
  • Green onion
  • Minced garlic
  • Salt to taste


Start by cutting your tomatoes into nice chunks. Cut the tomatoes with the skin down so you don’t lose all the juices. Place them in a bowl. Chop your green onions.

Next, whip up your eggs really really well. Get your pan super hot and put some oil in the pan. Once the pan is hot, pour the eggs and stir frequently until they are cooked really well. Remove eggs from the pan and place in a bowl.

Next, add a little more oil and some minced garlic (measure with your heart). Cook the garlic for about 20 seconds, then add tomatoes, salt, and sugar. Give it a quick stir and then cover. You want to release the wonderful juices from the tomatoes. If you don’t cover your pan, those juices will cook off. Watch your tomatoes, and stir them until they are tender.

Once your tomatoes are cooked, add your egg, and green onions. Combine all ingredients for about 30 seconds. Plate up and serve with rice.

If any of these recipes seem janky or you have questions, feel free to contact me and I’ll answer any of your questions you might have.

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Simple and Authentic Chinese Recipes - Travel Branyik

See One Of My Favorite Tea Recipes!

My Eight Treasures Tea Recipe is Divine. Find the recipe here and watch the video below!

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Heyo, I'm Kelly!

I'm a Returned Peace Corps China Volunteer, author, blogger, Content Director trying to become fluent in Mandarin Chinese. I'm living and traveling in Colorado during some of the best years of my life. Thank you for joining me on my adventures!

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